Event Event
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No Status Title Field Date People Apply
120 Close [대학원생, 강사를 위한 EMI B3] Teaching methods & strategies Teaching 2013.10.18 2 / 70 Apply
119 Close 2013-2 교원대상 Micro-teaching 워크숍(5차) Teaching 2013.11.25 2 / 3 Apply
118 Close 2013-2 교원대상 Micro-teaching 워크숍(4차) Teaching 2013.11.14 1 / 3 Apply
117 Close [대학원생, 강사를 위한 EMI B2] Course and Lesson Planning Teaching 2013.10.11 6 / 70 Apply
116 Close 2013학년도 10월 ETT: Team Based Learning Teaching 2013.10.16 8 / 15 Apply
115 Close 2013학년도 10월 EAP세미나 (10/24) Teaching 2013.10.24 6 / 6 Apply
114 Close 2013학년도 10월 EAP세미나 (10/17) Teaching 2013.10.17 5 / 6 Apply
113 Close [대학원생, 강사를 위한 EMI B1] Preparing for the teaching career Teaching 2013.10.04 11 / 70 Apply
112 Close [대학원생, 강사를 위한 EMI Seminar] A2. Preparing for academic and professional careers Teaching 2013.09.27 18 / 70 Apply
111 Close 2013-2 EMI(English-Mediated Instruction) Certificate 신청 Teaching 2013.09.26 27 / ∞ Apply