Upcomming Events
No | Status | Title | Field | Date | People | Apply |
389 | Close | 2014-2 Globalization & Communucation | Learning | 2014.12.05 | 93 / 150 | Apply |
388 | Close | 2014-2 EMI C2: Using sources | Teaching | 2014.11.28 | 13 / 30 | Apply |
387 | Close | 2014-2 EMI C1: Writing academic papers | Teaching | 2014.11.28 | 17 / 30 | Apply |
386 | Close | 2014-2 11월 교수법특강: 학생의 마음을 읽어주는 면담기법 | Teaching | 2014.11.25 | 26 / 30 | Apply |
385 | Close | 2014-2 EMI B4: Lecture and presentation skills 2 | Teaching | 2014.11.14 | 13 / 30 | Apply |
384 | Close | 2014-2 5차 마이크로티칭 (micro-teaching) | Teaching | 2014.11.27 | 2 / 3 | Apply |
383 | Close | 2014-2 4차 마이크로티칭 (micro-teaching) | Teaching | 2014.11.20 | 0 / 3 | Apply |
382 | Close | 2014-2 EMI B3: Lecture and presentation skills” | Teaching | 2014.11.07 | 15 / 30 | Apply |
381 | Close | 인문사회계열 대상 2탄-설득력 있는 논증적 글쓰기 | Learning | 2014.12.04 | 207 / 150 | Apply |
380 | Close | [자연계열대상 2탄] 이공계 글쓰기의 실전 노하우 | Learning | 2014.11.25 | 105 / 90 | Apply |