Event Event
Upcomming Events
No Status Title Field Date People Apply
399 Close 2015-1학기 강사워크숍 Teaching 2015.02.26 34 / 40 Apply
398 Close 2015 BUTP (Best University Teaching Practices) 워크숍 Teaching 2015.02.24 7 / 20 Apply
397 Close [2014-2 말하기 특강] 발표와 프레젠테이션 Learning 2015.02.09 78 / 10 Apply
396 Close [2014-2 말하기 특강] 칼포퍼식 토론 연습하기 Learning 2015.02.09 68 / 10 Apply
395 Close [1월 ETT 워크숍] 교수님, 강의계획서 작성하셨습니까? Teaching 2015.01.29 22 / 25 Apply
394 Close 2014-2 7차 마이크로티칭 (micro-teaching) Teaching 2015.01.14 3 / 3 Apply
393 Close 2014-2 EMI C4: Cohesion, Style and Precision Teaching 2014.12.12 8 / 30 Apply
392 Close [12월 ETT 워크숍] Flipping The Classroom Teaching 2014.12.17 12 / 20 Apply
391 Close 2014-2 6차 마이크로티칭 (micro-teaching) Teaching 2014.12.18 2 / 3 Apply
390 Close 2014-2 EMI C3:Coherence and flow in writing Teaching 2014.12.05 12 / 30 Apply