Event Event
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No Status Title Field Date People Apply
40 Close 교수님을 위한 4차 EAP(English for Academic Purposes) Seminar Teaching 2012.05.29 8 / 10 Apply
39 Close [2012-1 English Mediated Instruction⑦] Refining one’s style and expression Teaching 2012.05.11 41 / 70 Apply
38 Close [2012-1 English Mediated Instruction⑥] Cohesion in writing Teaching 2012.05.04 56 / 70 Apply
37 Close 내 수업을 SMART 하게! Teaching 2012.04.25 7 / ∞ Apply
36 Close 교수님을 위한 5월 EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Seminar (5/2, 5/9) Teaching 2012.05.02 5 / 10 Apply
35 Close [2012-1 English Mediated Instruction⑤]Coherence and flow in writing Teaching 2012.04.20 70 / 70 Apply
34 Close [2012-1 English Mediated Instruction④]English speaking skills Teaching 2012.04.13 67 / 70 Apply
33 Close [2012-1 교수법특강] 이승현 성악가가 들려주는 강의에 보약이 되는 발성법 Teaching 2012.04.18 33 / ∞ Apply
32 Close [2012-1 English Mediated Instruction③]Lecture expressions and strategies Teaching 2012.04.06 68 / 70 Apply
31 Close 2012학년도 4월 EAP 세미나 (4월 10일, 17일) Teaching 2012.04.10 4 / 10 Apply