CTL소개 About CTL
[교수] [채용]교수학습개발원 외국인 연구교수 모집공고
  • 등록일 2010.12.29
  • 조회 3187






Post Specification


Research Professor (Two Positions)

(Pedagogy and Educational Development)


Korea University is a prestigious private university located in the northern half of Seoul, Republic of Korea. The Korea University Center for Teaching and Learning (KUCTL) promotes and supports effective teaching and learning across the multiple campuses of the University. It serves as an on-campus hub for the creation and dissemination of effective teaching ideas and practices, Open Course Ware (OCW) and e-learning, student support for the promotion of effective learning, and as a center for faculty development.

Please visit our website at http://ctl.korea.ac.kr for more information about the Center.   




-      Type of Position:               Research Professor

-      Application Due               Extended until the position is filled

-      Affiliation                    Center for Teaching and Learning, Korea University



-       Salary is commensurate with professional experience in teaching and learning.




-      Job description


The applicants should be a good team player. A successful applicant will develop, carry out, and implement new and existing programs to advance faculty development at the University. Given that at present nearly 40% of all instruction is delivered in English, it is important that the successful applicant have an awareness and sensitivity to the needs of second-language instructors and students. In addition, the applicant will assist with the initiation of programs designed to support student learning.


-      Duties


The appointee will be required to:


a)      Teaching and Learning

-      Understand the role of teaching in institutions of higher education and of the role of faculty and faculty development.

-      Design and deliver faculty development programs for academic staff members who are new to teaching, and for instructors who have teaching duties.

-      Conduct workshops/courses for academic staff on a wide range of topics including pedagogy and curriculum development.

-      Support the University in promoting and implementing strategic initiatives in teaching and learning.

-      Assist faculty members who need help in teaching their courses effectively.


b)      Administration

-      Organize and advance EMC (English Mediated Courses) programs for effective teaching.

-      Establish and maintain effective working relationships across cultures.

-      Moderate, Chair and participate in CTL events (international meetings and conferences).


c)      Publication

-      Create classroom materials and write a teaching report about each class.

-      Publish skill tips, newsletters and annual reports for faculty and students


-      Qualifications for Research Professor


Applicants should have:


a)      Ph.D. degree in Education or a related field

b)      at least five years professional experience after a Master’s degree in Education or a related field

c)      experience in the field of academic/education development

d)      excellent facilitation/interactive teaching skills and a commitment to EMC (English Mediated Courses)

e)      a proactive and innovative work style with the ability to work both independently and co-operatively

f)       strong organizational, problem-solving and leadership skills

g)      excellent communication, consultation and interpersonal skills



-      Resume  (photocopy is ok for initial screening)

-      Letter of Interest

-      Certificate of Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D. degree

-      Transcripts of Bachelor’s, Master’s, Ph.D. degree




-      Contact                        Doo Bong Han

                             Director / Center for Teaching and Learning

                             Professor / Dept. of Food and Resource Economics

                             Central Plaza #122                   

Anam-Dong, Seongbuk-Gu, Seoul, Korea,

Tel: 82-2-3290-1439

Fax: 82-2-921-0680

e-mail: sunghuijo@gmail.com

                                                                 CTL URL: http://ctl.korea.ac.kr