Upcomming Events
No Status Title Field Date People Apply
160 Close 2014-1 EMI B2. Course and lesson planning Teaching 2014.04.04 11 / 70 Apply
159 Close (7차)Micro-teaching Teaching 2014.06.30 2 / 3 Apply
158 Close (6차)Micro-teaching Teaching 2014.05.28 0 / 3 Apply
157 Close (5차)Micro-teaching Teaching 2014.05.13 2 / 3 Apply
156 Close 4월 EAP 2차 Teaching 2014.04.11 3 / 6 Apply
155 Close 4월 EAP 1차 Teaching 2014.04.04 3 / 6 Apply
154 Close 2014-1 EMI B1. Preparing for teaching career Teaching 2014.03.28 22 / 70 Apply
153 Close 2014-1 EMI(English-Mediated Instruction) Certificate 신청 Teaching 2014.03.20 31 / 70 Apply
152 Close 2014-1 EMI A2. Preparing for academic and professional careers Teaching 2014.03.21 26 / 50 Apply
151 Close 3월 교수법특강: Prezi를 활용한 스토리텔링 강의법 Teaching 2014.03.18 34 / 50 Apply